The founder of Comefri is German. Therefore, it is not a surprise that Germany has always been a primary market for Comefri Group.
Actually, Comefri Gmbh has been the first subsidiary to be born.
It happened long time ago, back on November 9th 1979. Afterwards, and for many years, Comefri Gmbh dealt with customers of German mother tongue only.
The market was obviously Germany, but also Switzerland and Austria.

Nowadays, the customer portfolio of Comefri Gmbh includes companies from other countries as well, like Holland, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, etc..
Not only, even the product offering has remarkably widened, with countless, made-in-Germany, customized solution for various industrial applications.
Very few completed fans are now still supplied by the Italian parent company to Comefri Gmbh.

Moreover, except for loose wheels and inlet cones, almost all the other components for customized fans are directly designed and manufactured in Germany.
This evolution has been possible thanks to the high technical skills of German staff.
As a matter of fact, Comefri Gmbh has developed an efficient internal organization and supply chain, able to provide the best answer for any customer request, really.
Such an ability is proved by the construction of a completely new factory. In fact, since mid-July 2016 Comefri Gmbh is located in Oskar von Miller Strasse 1, 84051 Altheim.

Company Name Comefri GmbH
Countries Germany - Switzerland - Austria
Address Oskar von Miller Strasse 1
84051 Essenbach-Altheim
Telephone 0049-8703 46558-0
Fax 0049-8703 46558-80
Company e-mail
Company website

Comefri GMBH Map

We warn all our partners that the use of trademark and/or brand “Comefri” shall be considered authorized and lawful only if it concerns the products manufactured by one of our factories, which are exclusively the following:

Comefri Italy - Comefri Gmbh - Comefri UK Ltd - Comefri France - Comefri USA - Comefri China - Comefri Fan Systemleri (Turkey)

Please verify all the products labelled “Comefri” at your disposal and contact us whenever you find products which are not manufactured by one of the aforesaid factories.

Further, consider that the use of the trademark and/or the brand “Comefri” by third parties is unauthorized and unlawful without our prior formal authorization.

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