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Comefri SpA è orgogliosa di annunciare di essere tra i prestigiosi fornitori del nuovo Centro Ricerche Petronas a Villastellone (TO).

Comefri SpA SpA is proud to announce that we are one of the prestigious suppliers of the new Petronas Research Center in Villastellone (TO).

Stand Comefri CR China 2017
Centro Ricerche Petronas a Villastellone (TO) - Petronas Research Center in Villastellone (TO)

Sono stati forniti 22 ventilatori a trasmissione e direttamente accoppiati che governeranno importanti funzioni sia di processo e sia di emergenza.

22 Directly-coupled fans with transmission were provided that govern important process and emergency functions.

Stand Comefri CR China 2017
Ventilatore in fase di installazione - Fan in installation phase
Stand Comefri CR China 2017
Ventilatore in fase di installazione - Fan in installation phase

I ventilatori sono stati prodotti negli stretti tempi richiesti e secondo le specifiche tecniche di progetto con piena soddisfazione del Committente.

The fans were produced within the required tight times and according to the technical specifications of the project with full satisfaction of the Customer.

Ulteriori informazioni potete trovarle nei link:

For further information please surf to links:

We warn all our partners that the use of trademark and/or brand “Comefri” shall be considered authorized and lawful only if it concerns the products manufactured by one of our factories, which are exclusively the following:

Comefri Italy - Comefri Gmbh - Comefri UK Ltd - Comefri France - Comefri USA - Comefri China - Comefri Fan Systemleri (Turkey)

Please verify all the products labelled “Comefri” at your disposal and contact us whenever you find products which are not manufactured by one of the aforesaid factories.

Further, consider that the use of the trademark and/or the brand “Comefri” by third parties is unauthorized and unlawful without our prior formal authorization.

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